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Earthquake triggered landslide blocks Palu road
Quake-triggered Mudslide Buries Village in Indonesia
How earthquakes trigger tsunamis - BBC
2018.09.28 Coseismic Landslide near Palu, Indonesia
Indonesia: neighbourhoods levelled
Indonesia Disaster: Search for survivors as aid trickles into Palu
USGS ground failure product: Near-real-time estimates of quake-triggered landslides, liquefaction
Indonesia quake tusnami victims loot shops as Palu city sees shortage of relief supplies
Geoseminar #1 "The Rupture Speed of Large Earthquakes and the 2018 Palu Supershear Event”.
Households cut off as boulders block road into Fenghuang Village
Indonesia earthquake: Video shows extent of the damage in Palu City
Fall Meeting 2018 Press Conference: The mysterious tsunami that destroyed Palu, Indonesia